Angel Baby

Director: Michael Rymer
Year: 1996
Country: UK
Duration: 105 mins
Rating: 15
Cast: John Lynch, Jacqueline McKenzie and Colin Friels
More information (external website)

The film tells the story of Harry and Kate, who meet one day at a meeting for mentally ill outpatients. Harry, with his medication, is actually able to live a fairly normal life, and does not strike one as really "strange", although he is undoubtedly a free spirit. Kate, on the other hand, is touched with peculiarities and demons despite the medication. When Harry quietly attempts to get nearer to her on the bus after the meeting, she behaves as if she is terrified of him, and runs swiftly off the bus. But is it really fear, or just a game. Apparently the latter, since she suddenly vanishes, only to jump out from behind him and frighten him. Quickly, they engage in talk, mainly about their mental past, and also a moment when they reveal to each other their self-inflicted physical wounds from suicide attempts.

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