Born with Two Mothers

Director: Ian Duncan and Oliver Morse
Year: 2005
Country: UK
Duration: 90 mins
Rating: TV
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This provocative drama is about an IVF mix-up which results in a white woman giving birth to a black baby and is loosely based on a true story. Two childless couples, the Bridges and the Mayfields, eagerly await the results of their attempts at conceiving using IVF. The white couple celebrate when they discover that they are to have a baby, but the black couple continue their struggle as they fail to become pregnant yet again. As the pregnancy progresses, the medical staff at the clinic realise there has been a mistake and Lu's embryo has been mistakenly planted into the womb of Laura's. With neither couple wanting to give up "their" child, the legal court is the next step as the experts and lawyers are brought in to help decide which couple the baby should stay with.

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