Searching for My Son

Director: (Executive Producer) Jenny Crowther
Year: 2006
Country: UK
Duration: 60 mins
Rating: N/A

Between 1936 and 1976 around half a million babies in Britain were given up for adoption, many of them against the wishes of their mothers. As a consequence, one in ten families now live with the legacy of adoption. But in the UK, legislation was introduced through Parliament recognising the rights of birth mothers who gave up their children, by giving them the right to local authority help in finding them. In this powerful and sensitive documentary viewers journey with two women as they embark on the long and emotional search for their missing children and the discovery of whether their now adult children will want contact with them. The hopes of these two women rest with a small charity called NORCAP situated on the outskirts of Oxford in the UK. (Aired Channel 4, Monday 18 December 2006, 21:00)

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